


Local News

Posted: Jul 20, 2018 10:21 AMUpdated: Jul 20, 2018 10:21 AM

United Way Calls for Projects

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Charlie Taraboletti
The Bartlesville Regional United Way has issued its call to non-profits, churches, and schools to submit their projects for the 2018 Day of Caring.  Day of Caring is a one-day event that provides businesses and organizations an opportunity to perform service projects for the non-profit community.  
Projects can be large or small in scale.  The may involve work such as landscaping, painting, or cleaning.  Others could involve social activities such as an outing for nursing home residents, an ice cream social with seniors, or a picnic or members of a parenting support group.
Organizations can submit as many projects as they like, but there is no guarantee that a project will be selected.  We have a link to the United Way.

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