



Posted: Nov 17, 2020 9:22 AMUpdated: Nov 17, 2020 10:07 AM

Bartlesville Mayor Dale Copeland Talks COVID-19 on COMMUNITY CONNECTION

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Tom Davis
Bartlesville Mayor Dale Copeland appeared on COMMUNITY CONNECTION Tuesday to discuss many topics including the recent municipal election, opportunities to serve on boards and local road and landscaping projects. However, the topic that got the most attention was where are we on COVID-19 today.
Mayor Copeland said he was in meetings when Gov. Stitt held the press conference Monday where he directed restaurants and bars to close at 11pm, separate tables by at least 6 feet and madated state workers to wear mask on the job.  Copeland was taken a little by surprise since he had not seen any paperwork on the announcements. The measures are to take affect Thursday.
Mayor Copeland said that although the new and active cases are increasing , more testing has become more available. He added that the local medical capacity is still good and that there have been 3 deaths from COVID-19 since June.
Moving forward, the city continues to follow and promote OSDH and CDC safe practices such as handwashing/sanitization, distancing and masks in extended/enclosed environments.
Copeland said there is no mask mandate, but he did say that the city will continue to push out the information regarding safety for yourself and others on regards to COVID-19.
Mayor Copeland reminded us of the free leaf, grass and limb collection set for December 7-11 and he urged everyone to lock up their homes and vehicles and to report any suspsicious behavior to police.

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