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Posted: Jan 07, 2021 10:01 AMUpdated: Jan 07, 2021 10:36 AM

Area Resident Shares Story About March to U.S. Capitol

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Ty Loftis

Supporters from across the country rallied behind President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday afternoon as they marched to the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. in protest of the 2020 General Election results.

One area resident shared his story with Bartlesville Radio as he marched to the steps of the Capitol.

Below is his story from his own persepective and opinion:

We left on Monday evening at midnight. We stopped a couple of times to nap.  It was 17 hours but because of stops we got into Arlington, Virginia around midnight on Tuesday.

We saw many people along the way headed to the rally. It was a great thing to see.

On Wednesday morning we awoke and drove the few blocks from our hotel and to the metro train station. We were about 20 miles from downtown D.C.

There were a large number of people on the train going to the rally. Everybody was talking and asking questions... “Where are you from?” ....and the like. Everyone was excited and talking...happy and laughing and smiling. It was great and refreshing.

We all got off at the same stop. We walked as a group down to Freedom Plaza. We saw a couple of police officers and National Guardsmen there. There were a very few police officers and their cars but no guardsman on the streets. They had dump trucks blocking the roads all along the streets. 

There were a few people walking on the streets with vendors all along the way.  As we got closer to Freedom Plaza we could begin to see the people. There were people everywhere. From the Washington Monument north. We tried to get to the center of the crowd. It was futile.

There were people everywhere.  It was estimated around 4 million. There were reporters from all over and different ethnicities. No one was bothering them. People were talking and more laughing and meeting each other. The president was supposed to speak at 11:00 a.m. but didn’t get there until noon.

There were all kinds of people reporting. French, German, Lebanese and many others. They were Japanese, Chinese, and Australian. There were people praying, people singing. People were dressed up. People were dressed normal.

People kept pouring in by the hundreds. When [President Trump] showed the place erupted with cheers. There were chanting, singing and yelling. Trump made his speech. It was great. When he was done people started walking from Freedom Plaza to the Capital. People walked. We did not storm the Capitol.

When we got to the Capitol there were thousands of people there on the grounds, the scaffolding, the lower steps, the street, and the grass. There were people around the pond in front of the Capitol. I can’t even describe the scene. Those people were doing more of the same as before. The numbers of people just kept pouring into area. We heard they estimated the number at 6 million plus. Yes, the people kept pushing forward and crowding the Capitol.

They got up on the side areas of the Capitol. They did have a couple of fire extinguishers and were spraying them at the cops. The cops were throwing flash bangs and tear gas. The wind was blowing the gas back on them.

We got right up to the wall in front of the building. We did not see people rushing the Capitol. With the exception of a very few. We stayed back and just watched. It wasn’t like the media is playing it out to be. Granted we were never in the Capitol building. We started leaving around 4:30 p.m. when everyone else did. It was more of the same from there.

There were a lot of individual groups too. We saw ANTIFA at the Capitol building. And from later seeing the news videos from inside the capital the ones that were doing the damage and destruction we clearly the same bunch of ANTIFA (MSNBC even interviewed a guy that admitted he was with them inside. He said he was an infiltrator for the government and had been with them all over the country). The videos they showed of the other people inside that were just roaming around were not tearing anything up. They even said they prayed on the Senate floor but the news won’t tell you that.  The picture they kept showing of the guy with the horns on his head. Saw that guy several times and he was harmless.

There were proud boys there but they never even got close to the capital. There were many different groups that were obviously together. Some dressed like militia. Three percenters and others. We saw a Black Lives Matter group later in the day as we were leaving. People with bullhorns trying to get their messages out. Lots of people praying in large groups.

We saw absolutely no one instigating violence. People are tired of being lied to and want their voices heard.

I was very observant of my surroundings and those around me. I talked to and observed more people than I could count. I never saw one single weapon of any kind at any time.

We talked to a Chinese girl at the capital. She stood by us for a long time. She barely spoke English. At one point we were talking and she started crying.  She was a 19-year-old refugee from China. She had escaped and left her whole family behind. She had no idea if they were alive or dead and didn’t know how long it had been since she last saw them but she feared they were all dead because she had escaped as punishment. She said that we cannot allow communism to take us over because this was the last free place on earth.

We also talked to a 73-year-old man from Texas that drove up by himself and met two friends. They were both in their 70’s as well. They had been inside the Capitol. He was a retired Marine Corps major, one was a retired marine Lieutenant Colonel and the other was a retired marine Captain. They were keeping people that got inside calm and told them to not vandalize because it was not what we were about. He said that the crowd was peaceful where they were. He told us a police officer came up to them with tears in his eyes and thanked them for what they were doing to keep things safe and under control. He started crying as he told us that and thanked us for coming.

The Mayor of D.C. said she was implementing a 6:00 p.m. curfew and that any and all violators would be arrested. There were over 6 million people there. She had no control over all those people. The police were just watching and even interacting with most. A lot of people thanked them for being there.  It was only after most had left on their own peacefully that the police and National Guard came out.

From what we saw on the news later it was nothing like what they were saying it was like or how they portrayed it to be. We never even saw one person get arrested.

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