Posted: Aug 15, 2022 9:58 AMUpdated: Aug 15, 2022 10:05 AM
Josh Brecheen for CD 2 on COMMUNITY CONNECTION
Tom Davis
Josh Brecheen is a GOP candidate in the runoff election on August 23, 2022 against Avery Frix for the open seat in Congressional District 2 to take the place of Markwayne Mullen, who is running for the soon-to-be-vacated seat of Senator Jame Inhofe.
Brecheen is a fourth-generation Coal County rancher and he operates his own small heavy equipment and trucking business. At the age of 21, he started Brecheen Keynotes and Seminars, a youth based inspirational speaking business and ministry. Josh served as the Oklahoma State President of the Oklahoma FFA Association.
Brecheen served in the Oklahoma State Senate for eight years and self-term limited. He also served as a field agent for Senator Tom Coburn.
He has racked up endorsemets from the likes of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Former NASA head Jim Bridenstine, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Everett Piper, Carolyn Coburn, MAGA, and former primary challengers Marty Quinn, Wes Nofire and John Bennett, to name a few.
Brecheen will participate in the CD2 Forum Wedesday night at 7pm love from bartlesville City Hall. The forum, sponsored by The Green Country Republican Women's Club, the Washington County GOP and Phillips 66 will be broadcast on KWON AM 1400/FM 93.3/FM 95.1 and on .
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