



Posted: Jun 27, 2024 2:07 PMUpdated: Jun 27, 2024 2:07 PM

State Superintendent Walters Issues Order Mandating Bible Teaching in Public School Classrooms

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Nathan Thompson
Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters issued an executive memo to all public school districts Thursday that classroom teachers must use the Bible for instruction to students during the 2024-2025 school year.
Walters predicated his order that teaching from the Bible is allowed under Oklahoma law and academic standards. He says teaching the Bible will now be mandatory in state public school classrooms.
Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent Chuck McCauley told Bartlesville Radio on Thursday that he needs to learn more before responding to Walters' order.
The group Americans United for Separation of Church and State issued a statement Thursday decrying Walters' order as a "transparent, unconstitutional effort to indoctrinate and religiously coerce public school students."

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