


Washington County

Posted: Sep 30, 2024 2:47 PMUpdated: Sep 30, 2024 2:47 PM

Commissioners Approve MOU for Access to Traffic Camera System

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Nathan Thompson

The Washington County Commissioners approved a memorandum of understanding Monday morning to allow the sheriff's office to explore accessing a highway and road camera database for potential law enforcement use.


Sheriff Scott Owen says the agreement with Flock Group will allow the sheriff's department to explore the company's database of traffic cameras in parts of Oklahoma and across the nation to see if it is a system that could be implemented in Washington County.
The Flock Camera system takes video snapshots of vehicle license plates as they pass through an area, along with other capabilities. During the public comment portion of the commissioner's meeting a citizen voiced concern over the use of such technology, citing privacy concerns and unnecessary surveilance of innocent people.
Sheriff Owen acknowledged the concern.
If access to database proves beneficial for law enforcement, the county may consider installing the traffic cameras in the future.

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