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Posted: Dec 18, 2014 3:40 PMUpdated: Dec 18, 2014 3:40 PM

Food Truck Cleanliness

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Jon Eastman

Food Trucks! They are popping up all around the area and provide food that you may not be able to get at a regular restaurant. But how do they fare when it comes to cleanliness? What are the rules for food trucks? Larry Bergner Public Health Specialist Supervisor for the Northeast Region of Oklahoma oversees the inspectors that go to restaurants, hotels, and other public establishments to ensure their safety to the consumer. Bergner says that food trucks must follow the same cleanliness rules as a brick and mortar restaurants.

In addition to the yearly required inspection, most trucks are inspected when at an event, like Sunfest.

In fact, Bergner says that because of their smaller size and smaller menu, most food trucks find it easier to meet the inspection requirements.

To see inspection reports for food trucks as well as restaurants, you can check them out online, just click here.

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