



Posted: Mar 11, 2024 3:36 PMUpdated: Mar 11, 2024 3:36 PM

71-year-old Washington County Man Charged with Domestic Abuse

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Chase McNutt

A Washington County man was seen in court on Monday afternoon on the charges of possessing a firearm after a felony conviction, and domestic abuse - assault and battery. Philip Dean Cramer was arrested on March 8th after a phone call was made to officers for assistance.

A family member to the victim in this case made a call to police after the victim texted her that Cramer had a firearm and had attacked them. According to an affidavit, Cramer had been drinking Whiskey all day which had allegedly made him angry and violent. The victim told police that Cramer came at her after a comment she made regarding a TV show and held her down while constricting her breathing.

While on top of her, the victim said Cramer pulled a gun to his head and threatened to shoot himself in front of her.

The victim got away and allegedly locked themselves in a bathroom until police arrived. Cramer is being held over on a $20,000 bond and his next court date is set for March 22nd.

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