


Washington County

Posted: Jul 01, 2024 12:24 PMUpdated: Jul 01, 2024 12:24 PM

Washington Co. Commissioners Approve Lease Agreements

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Nathan Thompson
The Washington County Commissioners approved several lease agreements Monday on road equipment and sheriff's office patrol vehicles.
Commissioner Mike Dunlap says leasing the equipment rather than purchasing them outright is a matter of new technology that is difficult to repair in-house; as well as a matter of the purchase price being too expensive for the county.
While the road equipment is a traditional lease, the four vehicles for the sheriff's office are lease-purchase agreements, where the county will eventually own them.
The commissioners will meet again next Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor of the Washington County Administration Building, 400 S. Johnstone Ave., in downtown Bartlesville.

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