



Posted: Jul 19, 2024 7:48 AMUpdated: Jul 19, 2024 7:49 AM

ACT Changes May Make Things Easier

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Cheyenne Gilkey


It’s official. The ACT is under renovation. But before you start cheering, you should hear the changes first.


Science will be optional on the ACT. For all those Bruins who do not like science, now you may cheer. For those who are wondering about math…better luck next year. Don’t mob for long though…the test is shorter. 


From three hours long to two hours and 44 less questions in the reading and english sections, these two sections will also have shorter passages. This will allow students to have more time to answer each question. 


Students now have a choice of the ACT plus science, ACT plus writing, or the ACT plus science and writing. Reading, english and math will still be included in the core sections. Those that chose to take the science test will get a standalone score for just the science and a STEM score; the combination of the math and science test score.


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