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Posted: May 06, 2024 4:59 PMUpdated: May 06, 2024 6:00 PM
Dewey State Track Results

Dewey Track competed this weekend in the 4A state track meet with six student athletes making the cut for the competition. As we’ve talked about previously, Braden Garrison was the headliner as he won state for the second year in a row in shot put, but this time he did it in style.
Garrison broke a 45-year standing record in Oklahoma with a 64 feet 4.75-inch throw in the shot put to bring home the gold. Head Coach Dan Close was detailing the moment when it happened and said, he actually broke the record twice.
While Garrison was the only Dogger to bring home a state championship, five more athletes competed and represented Dewey well. There was even another record broke, as Cameron Jones broke a school record for high jump. Close talks about the rest of his team and how they did.
Congratulations to Dewey Track and Braden Garrison on their performances over the weekend.
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